
Sale Mixed Live Law court of Milano Bankr. n. 101/2019

Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3

  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3

Starting priceEUR 1.635.000,00

Sale state

Sale experiment number1

LocationPonte Buggianese (PT)

Minimum bidEUR 1.635.000,00

Minimum overbidEUR 10.000,00

Auction modeMixed Live

Offers deadlineTue 11/10/2022 at 13:00

Auction dateWed 12/10/2022 at 15:00

Deposit10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutes

Buyer's premiumsee Sale Notice


Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1706436
ID Procedura661704
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2019
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica3444108
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3444107
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1575960
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un complesso industriale con corte esterna ed uffici a Ponte Buggianese (PT), Via Luccio 11/15 - LOTTO 3
Primo Identificativo1575960
IndirizzoVia Luccio 11/15
ComunePonte Buggianese
  • Bene
    ID Bene2147315
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Ponte Buggianese al Foglio 1: Particella 390 – Sub 5 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 123,95; Particella 390 – Sub 10 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 16.971,00; Particella 146 – Sub 46 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 98,00; Particella 146 – Sub 47 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 106,00; Particella 146 – Sub 56 – Categoria D/7 – R.C. € 16.649,40 Il complesso industriale in oggetto è sito nella periferia del piccolo comune di Ponte Buggianese e dista solamente 2,5 km dall’Autostrada E76 Firenze–Pisa nord, è altresì facilmente raggiungibile dai caselli autostradali di Montecatini Terme e Chiesina Uzzanese. Il lotto si compone di due unità, edificio A ed edificio B. L’edificio A si sviluppa prevalentemente al piano terra e solamente una piccola porzione si eleva su due piani fuori terra. Il piano terra è composta da ampio magazzino con laboratorio comunicante (H=5,85 metri), altri tre laboratori (hanno tre altezze diverse 4,36 m–3,50 m–2,70 m), spogliatoi e servizi igienici, centrale termica, ripostiglio, due archivi ed una sala. È presente anche l’ingresso per il piano superiore. Il piano primo ospita tre uffici ed un disimpegno con altezza di 3,05 metri. L’edificio B si sviluppa prevalentemente al piano terra ed in parte si eleva su due piani fuori terra. Il piano terra è composto da magazzino (l'altezza 3,75 metri) e laboratori (altezza al colmo di 6,40 metri e 7,30 metri). Il piano primo è interamente adibito a laboratorio con altezza 3,65 metri. Si prega di notare la presenza di elementi in amianto sulla copertura. Sono presenti difformità catastali ed urbanistiche. L’immobile A è occupato in forza di contratto di locazione temporanea avente quale prossima scadenza il 31/07/2022, salvo successivi rinnovi taciti.
    Primo Identificativo2147315
    Indirizzovia Luccio 11/15
    ComunePonte Buggianese
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 12 October 2022 at 15:002022-10-12T15:00:00
IndirizzoVia Antonio Cechov 50 c/o - Centro Commerciale Bonola - Terzo Piano
Prezzo base1.635.000,00
Offerta Minima1.635.000,00
Rialzo Minimo10.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 11 October 2022 at 13:002022-10-11T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione13/07/20222022-07-13

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Lot description

SALE MIXED LIVE - Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT), Via Luccio 11/15 - LOT 3

We collect offers for a Industrial complex with external courtyard and offices.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 1:00 pm of day 11/10/2022, at office of Avv. Giovanna Rango, located in Milano, Via Cosimo del Fante 3

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 1:00 pm of day 11/10/2022

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 1,635,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 12 October 2022 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure details

Law CourtMilano



ReceiverAvv. Rango Giovanna

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3
  • Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3

Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT) - LOT 3

Ponte Buggianese (PT)

Industrial complex in Ponte Buggianese (PT), Via Luccio 11/15 - LOT 3

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Ponte Buggianese at sheet 1:
Parcel 390 - Sub 5 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 123.95
Parcel 390 - Sub 10 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 16,971.00
Parcel 146 - Sub 46 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 98.00
Parcel 146 - Sub 47 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 106.00
Parcel 146 - Sub 56 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 16,649.40

The industrial complex in question is located on the outskirts of the small town of Ponte Buggianese and is only 2.5 km from the E76 Florence - Pisa north motorway, and is also easily accessible from the Montecatini Terme and Chiesina Uzzanese motorway exits.
The lot consists of two units, building A and building B. Building A develops mainly on the ground floor and only a small portion rises on two floors above ground. The ground floor consists of a large warehouse with communicating laboratory (H = 5.85 meters), three other laboratories (they have three different heights 4.36 - 3.50 - 2.70), changing rooms and toilets, boiler room, storage room , two archives and a room. There is also the entrance to the upper floor. The first floor houses three offices and a hallway with a height of 3.05 meters.
Building B develops mainly on the ground floor and partly rises on two floors above ground. The ground floor consists of a warehouse (3.75 meters high) and laboratories (6.40 meters and 7.30 meters high at the top). The first floor is entirely used as a laboratory with a height of 3.65 meters.
Please note the presence of asbestos elements on the roof.
Property A is occupied by virtue of a temporary lease contract with the next expiration date of 05/22/2023, except for subsequent tacit renewals.
  • Area: 4525 sqm