Privacy policy

Updated on 11/11/2022

Dear user,
pursuant to articles 13 et seq. of the European Regulation n. 679/2016 "General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data", we are to provide you with the information on the processing of your personal data.
We remind you that you have the viewing right before communicating us your Personal Data, or to exercise your right to object to one or more purposes (purposes) of the treatment indicated in this Information in the dedicated section.
The Data Controller is:

Gobid International Auction Group S.r.l.
VAT number 09441470961
SL Via Onorato Vigliani, 19 - 20148 MILAN (MI)
SO Via A. Merloni, 17/U - 62024 MATELICA (MC)
Websites: - ​​
Tel: +39.0737.78.20.80
Tel: +39.0737.78.63.44
Fax: +39.0737.78.61.98

The main treatments carried out are related to the fulfillment of the Data Controller’s legitimate activities including: authentication carried out by users on web portals, acquisition of documentation and information necessary for the celebration of online auctions, communication of the aforementioned documentation and information to the relevant bodies and relative archiving and storage.
For these purposes, GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L acts as Data Controller of personal data; limited to the management of the documentation necessary for the activities related to participation in the auctions, shared with the principals and/or Professionals appointed by the Court, GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L acts in the capacity of joint data controller.
In general, an identifiable risk is the possibility that unauthorized persons or third parties come into contact with personal data of Data Subjects of which GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. is Owner.
However, in accordance with current legislation, GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. adopts all appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to reduce the risk that the aforementioned eventuality may occur to an acceptable minimum.
The purposes for which we process your Personal Data are as follows:
1) Fulfillment of the obligations related to the activity carried out by the Data Controller and of all the pre-contractual measures referable to them. In this case, the Consent is not required as the Legal Basis of the Processing is recognizable in the contract signed with the Data Subject and in all the pre-contractual measures referable to it, as well as the Fulfillment of a Legal Obligation and the Execution of a Task of Public Interest with which the Holder is invested.
2) In the case of sending newsletters and additional communications with respect to what is strictly necessary, the Legal Basis is recognizable in the Consent given by the Customer.
Upon your request, the complete list of Recipients with whom we may have to share your Personal Data in accordance with current regulations is available. The request must be forwarded to the Data Controller without any specific formality.
The Categories of Recipients to whom your Personal Data will be communicated are:
1) Companies and Professionals responsible for the management, maintenance and assistance of the IT equipment of GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L.
2) Professionals in the Accounting sector.
3) Companies that manage the web devices of GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L..
4) Software Houses and Software products used by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. for the processing of personal data.
5) Public bodies such as Agenzia delle Entrate, the Guardia di Finanza, or other subjects acting as public officials, if the communication of your Personal Data is a legal obligation.
6) Ministry of Justice, Courts and/or professionals appointed by the Courts and/or principals, when the communication of data is essential for the execution of the Controller's activity.
6) Banks, credit institutions and insurance companies.
7) External consultants and professionals.
When applicable, all Recipients listed will be appointed Managers and instructed by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. in accordance with the provisions of the law, as well as being required to keep the information transmitted confidential and to cancel or return it once the treatment is finished.
GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. does not and will not transfer your Personal Data to international organizations or data controllers located outside the European Economic Area. If you decide to do so, you will scrupulously comply with the provisions dictated by EU Reg. 679/2016 regarding the foreign transfer of personal data and will take care to inform you, in accordance with the provisions of the law, before making the transfer.
GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. will keep your Personal Data according to these criteria:
1) In the case of Personal Data subject to conservation obligations established by Italian or European law: within and not beyond the limits established by the relevant legislation, after which they will be canceled or made anonymous.
2) In the case of Personal Data of natural person customers granted for the purposes (purposes) referred to in point 2) of the Purposes: until the interested party revokes his consent.
We inform you that users registered on the GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. that are inactive for a period of time exceeding 10 years will be cancelled.
Below we will explain the Rights you enjoy pursuant to European Regulation n. 679/2016.
To exercise one or more of the following rights, it is sufficient for you to contact GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. to the contacts indicated above without any particular formality.
The customer has the right of access to personal data owned by the same, held by the Company pursuant to art. 15 EU Reg. 679/2016.
Pursuant to art. 16 of the Regulation, the interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him.
The interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation of personal data concerning him and the Data Controller has the obligation to cancel personal data without unjustified delay, if the reasons indicated by art. 17 of the Regulation.
The interested party has the right to obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of the treatment when the reasons indicated by the art. 18 of the Regulation
For the purposes for which the Consent is provided, you are guaranteed the right to revoke the Consent given, i.e. to withdraw unilaterally from the processing connected to the Purposes for which you have given the Consent.
If you believe that a processing carried out by us has caused you prejudice or damage, or if you believe that there have been incorrect or illegal processing of your Personal Data, you are guaranteed the right to lodge a Complaint with the Supervisory Authority, according to the methods indicated by the same.
The partial or complete refusal to provide your Personal Data GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L. will make it impossible to complete the signing of any contract.

Cookie policy

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals or devices, where they are stored to be transmitted again to the same sites during subsequent visits. Cookies (and / or similar technologies such as technologies for the mobile world SDK) can be stored permanently (persistent cookies) on your device or have a variable duration; they can in fact be deleted by closing the browser or having a limited duration to the single session (session cookies). Cookies can be installed by Gobid (first-party cookies) or by other websites (third-party cookies).
Cookies are used for different purposes as better specified in the next point 2 of this page.
For profiling activities, personal data collected through cookies are processed for a maximum period of 12 months from the moment in which consent to treatment is given . Below you will find all the information about cookies installed through the Gobid website and / or related applications and the necessary instructions on how to manage your preferences regarding them.
We remind you that our platform supports i   browsers and / or applications identified below for the purpose of proper service delivery.    For best results we recommend that you download the latest version of your browser and / or app .  
2. First-party cookies and related purposes

The main purposes of cookies installed by Gobid are:
(i) techniques are used for purposes related to the provision of the service and to allow or improve navigation on Gobid or store searches. These cookies are essential to ensure that our platform is working properly.
(ii) analytical, to collect statistical information on the use of the service by users (eg number of visitors, pages visited, ...). We use these cookies to analyze traffic on our pages anonymously, without storing personal data.

3. Third-party cookies and related purposes

The main purposes of cookies installed by third parties are:
(i) analytical : to collect statistical information on the use of the service by users   (eg number of visitors, pages visited, ...). These cookies are used to analyze the traffic on our pages anonymously, without storing personal data.
Third parties: Google Analytics , Xiti , nielsen , Comscore
(ii) performan ce: through these cookies it is possible to develop and implement the service, improving your browsing experience and therefore the fruition of the same.
Third parties: Hotjar
(iii) profiling :
    Third parties: Google Adwords , Kenshoo 
Thirdparts:   Accordant average , Accuen , Adara , Adelphic , Adform , adobe , Adpilot , AdRoll , , Amazon , Appnexus , Brightroll , cloudflare , commanderact , comscore , Criteo , DataXu , DBM , Evidon , Facebook , Freewheel , Google Doubleclick , Gskinner , Integral Ad Science , Jivox ,Mediamath , Meetrics , Neodata Group , Nextperformance , nielsen , oath , oracle data cloud , Pubmatic , Quantcast , Quantum , Radiumone , Rocketfuel , RTB house , , Sizmek , sociomantic , SublimeSkinz , The rubicon , The trade desk , Tribal fusion , Tubemnogul , Turn , Weborama , Wpp , Yam + , Zebestof
Furthermore, cookies specially designed for "social networks" could be activated. They allow the user to interact via social networks (share function, Facebook ). When a page contains this command, a direct connection is established with the selected social network.
Gobid, in addition to cookies, to improve service and navigation or for profiling activities, could enable the use of similar technologies on your mobile devices such as tools of AppsFlyer (for opt -out click here ),   Google Firebase and Facebook .
The use of these technologies is governed by the privacy policies of these companies and not by Gobid's privacy policy .
4. How is consent ( opt- in) to the use of cookies?

The consent to the use of profiling cookies is provided by the user through the following methods: closing the banner containing the brief information, scrolling the page hosting the banner or clicking any of its elements and can be revoked at any time.
All technical cookies do not require consent, so they are installed automatically as a result of access to the site or service.

5 . How to revoke ( opt -out) consent to the use of cookies?

Cookies can be completely disabled by the browser using the appropriate function provided in most browsers.
It is good to know, however, that by deactivating cookies some of the features of Gobid may not be usable.
Here are the main browsers through which you can disable cookies: Chrome , Firefox , Internet Explorer , Safari , Edge , IEMobile .
With reference to profiling cookies aimed at offering you personalized advertising, we inform you that, if you exercise the opt -out, you will continue to receive general advertising in any case.
To opt -out and disable personalized advertisements by changing the settings of your mobile devices , follow the instructions below:
on your device open the "Google Settings" app
scroll down and select "Google"
select "Announcements"
select "Disable ads based on interests" or "Dis active customization annunc
IOS devices use the Apple Advertising Identifier . For more information on limiting ad tracking with this identifier, visit the "Settings on your device" app or visit .
6. Learn more about cookies and how to exercise opt -out

The Youonlinechoice and platforms offer the possibility to refuse or accept the cookies of many digital advertising professionals.
We recommend that you use these platforms to manage the revocation of consent to the use of cookies.
To find out more about targeted advertising, you can consult the following pages:
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EIDAA)
Network Advertising Initiative (NAI)
Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
The present information refers to the sites owned by the owner of the processing of personal data pursuant to Regulation 679/2016.
Users are informed also that the data controller reserves the right to supplement the privacy policy at any time, therefore, it is suggested to beacons s imi users to regularly consult this webpage.
